Camooweal Caves National Park (VKFF-0073)

About 200km west of Mount Isa almost to the Queensland/Northern Territory border is the quite desolate Camooweal Caves national park. In total 10 contacts were made on 20 and 40 metre bands over a 90 minutes period. On the way out to the national park I passed this quite large windmill at a water pump station. To get to the park turn left at the pub and drive for another 30 minutes After 30 minutes on a dirt road car is covered in bull dust! This tree will do fine for the antennas. It was a struggle to find a tree tall enough to get the dipole up 7 metres. Photo of the 20/40 fan dipole (only showing the 40m elements) before hoisting up the tree to 7 metres. There is a 1:1 choke in the box. The elements are inverted and ends pegged down which provides a good impedance match. End fed half wave vertical for 20 metres with 2 counterpoises. There is a matching network in the plastic box to get around 200 ohms at the base of the antenna.